Daily Bible Reading Tip for Busy People

Much thanks to PD reader, Lyn Woods, for an absolutely wonderful suggestion that is a huge help for busy people wanting more time in the Word. Lyn listens to the Bible online. You can search for audio bibles online or purchase and mp3 version.
This can be a really great tip to consume God’s Word on the go. When I was in college, back in the good ol’ days of walkman cassette players, I spent many hours with the bible streaming through my head as I bopped across campus between classes. Absorbing the Word through my ears significantly shaped me.




The great thing about audio is you can listen to it while you do mundane chores, exercise, drive, etc. It’s a nice way to multi-task or squeeze in extra exposure beyond your normal reading time.


If you are an audio learner, listening will actually be the most advantageous encounter of the Word for you. Our culture has become visually dominated. We often forget that much of the Bible was likely passed along orally before being recorded. Even the Epistles (letters) were read aloud in communities. Many early Christians would have never seen a written Word, but they would have heard it repeatedly.


Lastly, Lyn pointed out in her email to me that listening has been really great for the names and places that “read” as gibberish. Many people have shared the discomfort, if not discouragement, they feel when trying to plod through lengthy geneologies. May be those our times when you might want to consider listening rather reading. You won’t feel the same frustration and may even learn how to pronounce some of those names of places and people.
Blessings on your reading AND hearing of the Word.
p.s. It’s not too late for you to read the Bible in a year. Sign up below, today. Don’t procrastinate another minute.

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