Double Your Chances of Staying On Schedule with Your Bible Reading Plan With One Simple Solution

You can nearly double your chances of staying on track with a bible reading plan just by having a set time each day for reading. That’s what I discovered when I surveyed people who are in the Through The Bible in a Year Program by The Practical Disciple.
Thus far 18 people have responded to a survey I released a couple of days ago. The pie chart on the left above represent 10 people who have set times for reading. 70% of them are on schedule with their Bible reading plan. Whereas, the pie chart on the right represent 8 people who do not have a set time for reading. Only 37.5% of the people without a set time are on schedule.
While 18 people isn’t a huge sampling, I think their feedback indicates that having a set time really increases your odds dramatically of sticking to your plan. As I get more results in I will continue to track these stats and see if the results hold true with a larger sampling.
Readers in the program have also indicated that being in the program has kept them motivated. One woman had quit reading, but when she received one of the encouraging emails I send out, she picked her bible back up and started reading again. I applaud her.
I also want to applaud the 8 without a set time because they are investing time in the Word. It will bear much fruit over the long haul. That’s awesome. I hope they will consider setting a time to increase their consistency and relieve the stress that comes with getting behind.
I encourage anyone who isn’t reading the bible to go ahead and join us. Tomorrow I am going to share some of the benefits people are finding in this program. You can sign up today though using the opt-in box below. (email subscribers may not see a box below, if not, then visit and use the box in the right margin)
Blessings to you from The Practical Disciple


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