Earth Day Post–7 ways to go beyond Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.

Butterfly on Jane's Flowers
Butterfly on our friend Jane's annuals. Go Jane! Thank you for planting.

 I happen to be writing this article on Earth Day.  I have seen the words reduce, reuse, and recycle repeatedly today.  Those three words have become the eco-friendly mantra of the masses.  That is not a bad thing, but I want to add a word—regenerate.  We have a responsibility to take care of creation.  The book of Genesis talks about people being given “rule” or “dominion” over the fish of the sea, and the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth, etc.  Some have interpreted this to mean that we can do as we please with creation.  However, when I consider that this responsibility is offered up immediately following the pronouncement that we are made in God’s image, then it raises the question in my mind, “How does God exercise dominion over us? And shouldn’t that inform how we exercise dominion over creation?”

God is a God of redemption.  God takes what is broken and repairs it.  The Lord takes and makes all things new.  God is a God of restoration, renewal and regeneration.  So I think we need to move way past reduce, reuse, and recycle.  Those activities will move us toward “sustainable living”, but if we are going to act in a Godly manner let us consider what it means to be “regenerative”.  How can we make all things new?  What could you do that would not just limit the damage of creation but actually make it better.  Here are 7 suggestions:

  1. Plant.  Plant a tree, a shrub, some flowers, ground cover, vines, etc..  Plants filter air, noise, and provide food and shelter for many critters.
  2. Put out a bird feeder.
  3. Mount a bird box.
  4. Compost.  Mix those dinner left overs and grass clippings in a big old pile and use it to revitalize your soil.
  5. Provide a bird bath or pond.
  6. Create a brush or rock pile (it creates habitat)
  7. Go clean up a polluted area.

I am sure you can think of other ways.  I would love to hear your suggestions.  Please drop me a comment.

Blessings from the Practical Disciple.

P.S.  The beautiful butterfly picture was taken by my friend and colleague, Jane, on flowers she planted in her yard.  She is a great steward and partial inspiration for us trying our hand at some container gardening this year.

2 thoughts on “Earth Day Post–7 ways to go beyond Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.”

  1. Yeah!!!! Yes I so agree. Take care of our environment by plating, cleaning up, and composting is so important. IT’s not sexy but it is truly one of the best things you can do.

  2. Pingback: Fruitful Living, Prune the Suckers - The Practical Disciple

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