Eight Actions to Take to Survive Tough Times

When you are facing tough times, some times it’s tough to know what to do. You can become overwhelmed and shut down. Inactivity often times only makes a tough situation worse. Here are eight positive faithful actions you can take when life smacks you upside the head. Oh, but first I need to give credit where credit is due. I didn’t come up with this list. I meet prior to Sunday School each week with a group of folks (Early Edition is their name) to sing, pray and discuss. They created this list this past Sunday. Way to go Early Edition!
1. Pray. I know that seems obvious, but when you are overwhelmed it’s easy to miss the obvious. Specifically, thank God for what blessings you do have. It’s easy to get consumed with a negative mindset during tough times. A negative mindset will only make things worse. If necessary, force yourself to exercise an attitude of gratitude. Pray about your circumstance as well so that you are facing your situation with God’s strength and support.
2. Trust. Remember that ultimately God is in control and God has your best interests at heart.
3. Spend time in God’s Word. God will speak to you through His Word, but you have to be in it for that to happen. God’s Word will convict, comfort, equip, educate, direct, and fill you plus a hundred other verbs if you just give it a chance.
4. Make sure your surroundings are positive. Paul once, ‘make no propitiation for sin.’ In short, don’t set yourself up for failure. Surround yourself with people and influences that are going to encourage, help and motivate you to be faithful during tough times.
5. Think/Act outside of your self and circumstances. The Apostle Paul served other people by writing letters during jail. He didn’t wallow in self pity and anxious fretting. He pulled his mind out of his own struggles and focused on some else’s need. Service can snap you out of the analysis paralysis of fretting over your own mess.
6. Stay connected. God desires for us to be in community. In community our various gifts can be used to support and encourage one another. Often times people want to isolate themselves when they are hurting. Don’t do it though. Stay connected at least to a small core of friends to help you along the way.
7. Seek godly counsel. Let spiritually mature people know about your struggle. They can help you see solutions you can’t because you are too close to you own problem. They can intercede with prayer. They can encourage you and help keep your perspective true to reality.
8. Take life one day at a time. When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, (that qualifies as a tough time in my mind) God provided for them one day at a time. He gave them just enough manna and quail to get them through the day. Trust that he can do the same for you and don’t be anxious about tomorrow.
What do you do to stay faithful during tough times?

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