Kingdom Value, The Key to making life count

Do you ever stop and wonder about the value of what you are doing?  If not, then you might ought to.  This weekend I visited with my brother and he was talking about his pastor labeling things in his home with the words “kingdom value” and whatever didn’t have it, he needed get rid of.  The idea of sorting my life by what has “kingdom value” has really grabbed my attention.  I can’t seem to let go of the thought or perhaps it won’t let go of me.

The pastor was talking about physical things in his life, but my mind instantly gravitates more toward the activities of my life.  What will I do today that has kingdom value?  What will I do today that adds to the over all value of God’s kingdom?  What about you?

How will you spend today and what activities will add to God’s kingdom?  What is just ONE thing you could do today that would have kingdom value?  How about one thing you could do in the next hour that has kingdom value?  Or what is the action you could take the moment you finish reading this post that has kingdom value?

Part of me wants to reflexively protest, “but I have all kinds of other things I need to get done.”  Then a little voice sounds off in my head and I hear the scriptures saying, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

I thought about closing this post by urging you to examine each action you take today through the lens of “Does this action have kingdom value?”  That’s not a bad idea, but probably limitedly effective.  Most of us would start out with good intentions, but quickly fail to check our actions as we got into familiar routines.  That’s just human nature.

So, I would encourage you instead to plan some kingdom value into your day.  Don’t be passive and just evaluate what you are doing already.  Make a point and have a plan of sowing some kingdom seeds.  I don’t know if you have a to-do list, but if you do, write on it at least one thing you will do today that has kingdom value.  While you are at it, look at what’s already on your list and remove at least one thing that doesn’t have kingdom value.

What do I mean by “kingdom value”?  Activities that make God’s desire for life a greater reality right now.  For example, from God’s word we know that God desires us to have joy.  What can you do today to sow joy?  God desires his believers to have unity.  Can you heal a connection that is broken or build a healthy one?  God desires us to follow.  Will you take a step today that is led by his direction?  God desires us to love one another the way he has loved us.  What can you do to forgive someone or love them unconditionally.

These are just a few kingdom values.  Can you think of others and what will you plan to do today to make those values a reality?  Blessing to you as you seek first the kingdom.

6 thoughts on “Kingdom Value, The Key to making life count”

  1. I apologize for responding so belatedly. Somehow I missed the posting of your comment. Regarding changing behavior–check out my post ‘The process of repentance.’ Here is the link It contains some really key principles in changing behavior. You are already headed in the right direction just knowing you need to change. After you read the post, get a plan in place. Work and adhere to the plan and bath the change in prayer. God’s peace and transformation to you.

  2. Thank you for this blog!

    Often times, I find myself simplifying the activities of my day. First, I take a look at everything that is on my plate and determine which of those things directly add to my Kingdom purpose. I highlight those things that were added by someone else that has no direct contribution to furthering God’s vision for my life. I call these things discretionary and I basically choose whether or not to do them. I’ve found, that my time is freed up and I’m more content than ever.


  3. Your welcome. It’s amazing how difficult we tend to make life. If we can just keep Christ first, so many other things fall away.

  4. Andrew, How in the world did I miss that? Thanks for pointing out the error. It’s now corrected.

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