Knowing God’s Will–Part 3

How well do you ask questions?  That may sounds strange, but part of understanding God’s will is making sure that you ask really clear questions.  One man in the Old Testament, by the name of Gideon asked God if he was the one that God wanted to lead the Israelite people.  It was a yes or no question.  He also asked God for a specific sign.  I explore that story in the sermon related to this article.

What are some keys?
  1. Ask Yes or No Questions
  2. Ask for signs
  3. Watch for indicators that compound
Let me illustrate with a story.  Following Gideon’s lead, I have worked at refining my questions for guidance down to yes and no questions.  Some times God answers in very distinct ways.  Recently, when I was struggling with whether or not to accept a call to a different church, I went out and spent a morning praying about it.  I was to have a second interview with the church the next night.  I asked God to give me a very clear sign before then.  I received a phone call that evening from a friend.  He called to tell me that he had me on his mind throughout his vacation.  He felt that he had to call because he felt that God wanted him to tell me that it was time to start using my gifts somewhere else.  It was an unlikely call from an unlikely source at exactly the time I needed it.  How much clearer could I ask God to make it?  Other indicators occurred. For example, I talked to God about some other opportunities.  If those doors closed then I would take it as directional.  Collectively, these pieces become undeniable guidance that it was time to move on after nearly 8 years of ministry in the same congregation.
Some Questions to Consider
What is something you are trying to understand right now?  How can you refine your questions down to a yes or no questions.  Is there a specific sign you can ask God for?  May be you can ask God to close or open a particular door in order to give you clarity.  What indicators seem to be piling up and pointing in the same direction?  

Trust that God all ready has the answer
Another critical piece to understanding God’s will is knowing and trusting that God already has an answer, you just have to find it.  Discernment is about discovery, not deciding.  God has decided, you just have to recognize God’s answer.  With time, experience and a deepening relationship with God you will become clearer and clearer on how God is speaking.
I expand on these concepts more fully in the sermon below.  Just click on the embeddable player.  I was at a friends house the other day and they had difficulty with the player.  If you experience a difficulty, you can always download the sermon or listen to it using a pop up window at my podcast site,  

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