Lesson 10- Evaluating The Day


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Lesson 10, Evaluating the Day

Part of getting better at anything is making constant adjustments to improve performance. Time management is no different. Every day I pause to reflect. Out of that reflection I adjust my plan for the next day. A written reflection will push you to clarify and refine you thoughts on what you did well and what you need to change.


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  • Write a brief reflection at the end of each day. This doesn’t need to be a saga, just a brief paragraph or two. Include in your reflection both things that you did well and things you need to work on
  • Reflect specifically on these two questions: “Did I do what I said I would do?” or “Was I busy or was I productive?” The first question I got from Allyson Lewis’s 7 Minute Life Daily Planner. It’s amazing how much difference it makes if you will just ask yourself that one question at the end of the day.


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    All PDFs in the lessons require Adobe PDF reader. The videos require the latest version of Quicktime. Both are free downloads.


3 thoughts on “Lesson 10- Evaluating The Day”

  1. Carolyn Newcomb

    what is the sender’s friend request that I am supposed to sign. I have been able to hear the last three sessions but have noit been able to watch them. Know I am not patient but trying to find what I am to click or whatever to me is wasting my time. Sorry

  2. Hey Carolyn, I just got your comment, but am not tracking what it means, send me a message on facebook with your number so I can call and help you work out the problem. Thanks, John

  3. Carolyn Newcomb

    Thanks John, whatever you did worked. Wish I had let you know the first time that it happened. Today is productive, yesterday was very productive…….Carolyn

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