You Are 5 Times Less Likely to Quit A Bible Reading Plan if You Will Only…


The shocking discovery I never suspected was…


You are 5 times less likely to quit your bible reading plan

within 30 days if you will only…


As part of my Through The Bible in a Year program I have been surveying participants after 30 days. Several months ago, I analyzed the first 18 responses and discovered that readers with a set bible reading time where nearly twice as likely to be still on schedule with their program after 30 days.  I had long suspected that there would be a positive correlation between having a set time and being consistent.   Today, I have twice as many responses and that statistic is almost identical. What I didn’t realize was what a huge difference there was in the drop out rate for people who didn’t have a set time.
Take a look at the graph below.  After 30 days, only 5% of people with a set reading time quit reading, whereas 23% of people with no set time have stopped. That’s an enormous gap caused by one tiny choice.  Just set a time to be with God for a few minutes each day.  I suspect you already schedule a host of other priorities, but do you schedule time with God? If not, then why not pull out your calendar and do it today?

By the way, if you are not familiar with the Through the Bible in Year program you can learn more about it by clicking here. The program is completely free. Over 120 people are currently taking it. If you have tried to read the bible before and failed, this could be the tool that makes the difference.

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