E-vangelism, Promoting and Supporting Vacation Bible School Via the Internet

Today’s post is a bit out of the norm in that typically I write how-to articles on advancing your personal discipleship. However, this past week we hit on a really great idea that I think many of you could use for evangelism or to enhance the experience of your kid’s at Vacation Bible School. Everyday after VBS I gathered photos from people and created a video for the day and emailed it to parents. The videos included a quick reminder of the theme for the day, a memory verse, a slide show from the day, and any announcements for the next day. People really enjoyed the videos. It gave parents a chance to see what happened during the day and was a great vehicle for reinforcing the lessons of the day. You can watch the sample video above if you want to see what one looked like. This was my personal favorite because I spoof the old show Mission Impossible in order to make an announcement regarding our VBS mission.
Also, I think it is worth noting that we had a significant increase in our attendance this year. The increase was somewhere around 25-30 %. We surveyed parents at registration and a significant number listed Facebook as the way they found out about VBS. I am sure it doesn’t account for all of the increase but is obviously a significant factor. I had planned on releasing a promotional video on Facebook a couple of weeks ahead of time, but because of a funeral and wedding couldn’t pull it off.
Well, I hope you find the video inspiring and will consider using Facebook as a promotional tool for the ministries in your own churches. I would love to hear how other people are using technology to spread God’s Word and love.
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