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Idealized Time vs. Ideal Time
Welcome to Lesson 3 that looks at ideal time versus idealized time. I have found that much of my stress of feeling overcommitted is frequently self-inflicted because I don’t allow realistic time frames for what I need to do. In this video you are challenged to access whether you are allowing yourself a realistic amount of time for transitions and projects or are you setting yourself up for broken expectations.
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To get the most out of these lessons focus on taking action every day, no matter how small that action may be. Small actions add up more rapidly than you may realize. Much of the battle of time management, conquering clutter and getting organized is purely a matter of consistency.
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- Add five minutes to transitions times; particularly, traveling to and from commitments. You may want to add a buffer of ten or fifteen minutes to much longer commutes. The bottom line is work on being early to commitments to reduce the stress of running late or living constantly on the edge of late.
- Evaluate your Big 5 or other tasks that you have scheduled to work on. Are you leaving enough time to do a task really well or just pull it off? Adjust accordingly.