Lesson 9- Goal Setting Basics

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Welcome to lesson 9 on goal setting basics. Goals are one key differentiating factor between those who are busy and those who are productive. If you do not know where you are going, you most likely just amble around. In this lesson you get tips on writing effective goals. They will give you direction and direction can give you quicker results. You also receive tips on how to keep those goals vibrantly alive rather than abandoned to die the slow quiet death of neglect.

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I have mentioned the 7 Minute Daily Life Planner, which I use as an organizational system. It’s much more than just a calendar and I will be talking about it in Lesson 14. It has space for laying out goals, unfinished tasks, and a host of other helpful features. For those of you interested in checking it out now, click here.



  • Create written goals that are specific, measurable and timed.
  • Identify and write out four or five action steps per goal.
  • Post your goals some place visible and read them out loud regularly.
  • Pray throughout the process of goal setting. Pray while crafting them and give thanks once you acheive them.


    Making the Most of Each Lesson

    You may choose to watch these videos by streaming live from the web, downloading the MP3s to your computer or MP3 player, or by reading the text transcript.
    To get the most out of these lessons focus on taking action every day, no matter how small that action may be. Small actions add up more rapidly than you may realize. Much of the battle of time management, conquering clutter and getting organized is purely a matter of consistency.
    You can save any of the files to your computer by simply right clicking on a link and selecting “save as” or “save target.” Mac users use a control click and select “save linked file to downloads” or “save linked file as…”
    All PDFs in the lessons require Adobe PDF reader. The videos require the latest version of Quicktime. Both are free downloads.

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