Seven Ways to Ingest God's Word | The Practical Disciple

Seven Ways to Internalize God’s Word


Are you only reading the Word of God?  If so, you may be missing out on rich experiences; particularly, if reading isn’t your preferred learning style. Below are seven different techniques to broaden and deepen your experience of the Bible.
1) Listen to the Bible – Download and audio version of the bible to your phone or computer and listen while you are on the go.  Back in the day when I was in college I had a walkman and a cassette version of the Bible. I listened as I walked to class and commuted. I learned an amazing amount of scripture doing so.

To get started listening check out the many audio resources at

Click Here for Bible Gateway audio resources.

2) Study the Bible — You can study on your own or in a group.  I highly recommend you join a Sunday school class or other small group bible study to help you learn. Other people will raise many questions and offer insights that you haven’t considered. If you are not in a class, consider picking up a bible study guide at your local Christian bookstore or find one online. 

3) Meditate on the Bible — Psalm 119:15-16 says, “I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.”  Many other scriptures also encourage us to meditate on God’s Word.  But what is meditating on the Word.” The word we translate as meditate, is a verb meaning to ruminate, or to chew something repeatedly.  Therefore, meditating can be as simple repeatedly reading a passage an reflecting upon it mentally at length.
4) Memorize the Bible — Many people falsely believe that they can’t memorize or get worse with age.  The truth is we all can memorize and at any age.  As you get older you may be slower, but are still completely capable of retaining scripture. Memorizing scripture allows you to draw upon it in times of need.  Memorizing also increase your ability to understand new scripture at a deeper level.  Even learning a verse or two a week can be very beneficial.  Just think in one year you cold easily memorize over fifty verse just by memorizing one per week.

Check out this article from for easy tips to get started memorizing.

5 Ways to Memorize Scripture that Actually Work.
5) Journal on the Bible — The S.O.A.P. Bible journaling method is one great way to begin journaling.  For step-by-step instructions on this easy-to-follow technique check out my podcast episode on the topic or download the Bible Bundle below.

The SOAP Bible Journaling Method, Podcast Episode #5

Download Your Bible Reading Bundle

6) Act on the Bible — Obeying scripture will translate your mental understanding into an experience and a deeper heartfelt understanding of God’s Word. A simple question to help you translate your reading into action is to complete this statement each time your read. “Right now I believe God would like me to…”

Three common calls to action that you will find in the Bible are:
1) Principles to Implement
2) Tasks to Accomplish
3) Change to Make

For a detailed understanding and example of each of these check out this post…

Are You Hearing These Three Calls to Action in Scripture?
7) Read the Bible — If you aren’t reading scripture daily download the free Bible Reading Bundle below.  You’ll get my One Year Bible Reading Toolkit which contains tips and thirteen proven bible reading plans.  Plus, my S.O.A.P. Bible Journaling worksheet. Which is an easy four step method for studying the bible on your own.

You Can Read the Bible…

Download Your Bible Reading Bundle

In depth personal study holds many rewards. Put in the effort and you will soon discover not just a greater understanding of the Bible, but a deeper relationship with God, and you will start following Christ more faithfully. Get your Bible Reading Bundle today and begin quickly understanding your Bible better.

How many of these seven are a part of your life right now? Which one could you add? Each form of encountering God’s Word enhances our discipleship and our relationship with God in a slightly different way. I would encourage you to experiment. These are not the only ways to take in God’s Word. Be creative in your approaches.

Blessings to you as you study, John Arnold The Practical Disciple

Editor’s Note: This post has been expanded and revised from an article originally published June 12, 2008.

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