Where does all the time go?

clocksA reader commented on my last post about making God a priority.  How often do you feel like there is just too much to do and too little time to do it?  How many times have you found yourself saying, “I need to learn to say no.”?  Several years ago I got better at saying no.  Note–“Better” is a relative term.  I didn’t say I was good at it, just better.  Here’s what happened.

I noticed that I was bad about saying yes to things, just because I could do them.  Someone would ask me to help with something and I would check my calendar.  If I didn’t have a direct conflict, no reasonable excuse to say no, then I would say yes.  I seldom stopped to consider whether or not I should be saying yes.  I think I genuinely wanted to be helpful and part of me liked pleasing people.  Guilt or a desire not to disappoint over road better judgment.  I often found myself regretting saying yes and wishing I hadn’t.  I was overworked, underproductive, scattered, sometimes sick, limitedly effective, and marginally connected to God.  Does any of this sound familiar to you?  If so, keep reading.

I learned that being with my family and/or resting where completely valid commitments.  May be that is a no brainer for some of you but it wasn’t for me.  Once this realization sunk in, I gave more thought to the requests that came my way.  I also gave permission to myself to say, “No, I have another commitment.”  Sometimes that other commitment was just a need to be at home, and that was okay.  In fact, that was a very good thing.

If any of my story resonates with you, slow down and consider the motivation for the choices you make.  Consider the opportunity cost.  Every action and inaction has a cost.  To stay faithful to God we must be extremely clear about our priorities.  Truth be told, few of us have a problem saying no.  In those times when I thought I had a hard time saying no, I had no problem saying no to eating well, sleeping, praying, studying the Word, spending time with my family, taking a Sabbath or a hundred other great priorities.  I was saying no to many things, just not the right things.  Say no to the wrong things, as I did, and you will find yourself Thanksgiving Day filled with regret not gratitude.

God has so much more in mind for you, but you may not find it until you start pursuing less.  God’s blessings to you as He gives you the power and discernment through the Holy Spirit to say yes to the right things.

1 thought on “Where does all the time go?”

  1. This is jusst what I needed to read. Now some prayer time and then sleeping on it. I really want to say yes to the things that I know I do well and allow others to enjoy doing what I say no to.

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