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Posts in Category: bible study

Three Easy Steps to Recall Bible Stories Like a Pro [Episode 33]


One invaluable skill to have as a Christian disciple is to be able to remember bible stories in as much detail as possible. I’m not talking about necessarily memorizing an entire bible story word for word. But, being able to recall and retell a story in your own words is tremendously beneficial.

For example, when you can recall stories readily, you will inevitably make more connections as you study. Your comprehension of the bible is accelerated with each story you can recall. You will see parallels, themes, contrasts, and concepts that other people miss. Plus, being able to recall stories can be extremely helpful in ministering to people,

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My Personal Meditation on the Cross for Good Friday – Episode #32

In 2015 I pondered the cross for forty days through sketches and studying great works of art about the crucifixion. My heart was moved by the experience. I had intended to create a painting but in the end settled on writing this meditation. I hope it is a blessing to you.

I would encourage you to not only read but to listen. I offer a brief introduction in the podcast before going into the meditation. Blessings.

The Cross

The cross was not a piece of jewelry, wall ornament, poster, or tattoo. The cross was not beautiful. The cross was a

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How to Escape Spiritual Dry Times [Episode 31]

Image from Ozyman



Dry times, times of feeling a loss of God’s presence, are inevitable in the Christian walk.  All of the historic saints expressed in their writings periods of longing to hear God’s voice and to feel God’s peace.  Spiritual droughts occur for a variety of reasons.

  • Neglect of the relationship: If you are not investing time in drawing near to God don’t be surprised if God seems hard to find.  God hasn’t moved, but your priorities, time, and attention may have pushed a gap into your awareness of God’s presence.
  • Neglect of duty:

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Six Questions You Should Always Ask When You Study the Bible [Episode 30]

Welcome to the first ever Five Minute Friday podcast!

Every Friday I’m going to release a quick discipleship tip. Each post will be short, five to ten minutes at most. Now for today’s tip.

You can create a quick overview of a bible passage by asking six simple questions journalists ask when writing a story.

Just ask these six questions:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. Why?
  6. How?

Concrete examples of how to answer these question are in today’s super short Five Minute Friday Podcast.

What you’ll get out of these questions:

1) Greater Knowledge: You’ll spot details you might otherwise overlook.
2) Deeper Understanding: You’ll take more away

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Lessons I have Learned about Reading the Bible after 35 years of Daily Reading [Episode 28]


A recent reader, Kristy, shared the following comment,

I have never found the right Bible reading plan, so have tried to read at my own pace and feel that even though I am not following a plan, that I am behind simply because I still have a lot to read by the end of this year and I have this thing in my head that I have to finish the Bible by December 31. It ever seems like what I read is enough; sometimes I read a lot, but it doesn’t seem like it

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Four Do’s and Don’ts of Marking Your Bible [Podcast Episode 24]



1. DON’T: Use ink.
DO: Use colored pencils.

I use colored pencils because they will not bleed through the pages and they give you lots of color options. Pens tend to smear or bleed through and can make a mess of your bible. Also, colored pencils can be erased if you make something incorrectly.

2. DON’T: Simply mark what grabs you.
DO: Create a system of meaningful symbols.

For example, in the picture above from my current study Bible, I marked the words “prayer” and “supplication” with a red underline that sweeps up and to the right and ends in an arrow.

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