Previous Lessons
- Lesson 1: The Big Five: Creating a Workable To-Do List
- Lesson 2: Interruptions
- Lesson 3: Scheduling
- Lesson 4: Ideal Time vs. Idealized Time
- Lesson 5: Eliminating Clutter
- Lesson 6: Ordering Clutter
- Lesson 7: Sabbath Basics
- Lesson 8: Eliminating Irritants
- Lesson 9: Goal Setting Basics
- Lesson 10: Evaluating the Day
- Lesson 11: How to Say “NO!”
- Lesson 12: Batch Processing
- Lesson 13: The Chore Deck
- Lesson 14: Using a Planner
Replicating a Weekly System
Well, you have finally made it to the last lesson.I hope that you have picked up and applied some valuable time management tools. In today’s lesson we are going to address creating a weekly system. A weekly system will give a you a baseline of time management success that you can build upon during the weeks to come.
Enjoy the Video and Blessings to you as you strive to more productively use your time.
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Resource Links for Downloading
- Review the videos and select a few specific tools to focus on.
- Go into the week by creating both some structure and margin. Do this by taking a few minutes at the beginning of the week to schedule two or three ‘5 before 11’ tasks for each day, but leave 2 or 3 to be defined each day.
- Create a weekly system and replicate it for several months.
- As your system becomes a norm for you layer in more time management tools from the course. Don’t try to do it all at once. Succeed with a few things repeatedly and then build upon that success.
Accessing the Materials
You may choose to watch these videos by streaming live from the web, downloading the MP3s to your computer or MP3 player, or by reading the text transcript.
To get the most out of these lessons focus on taking action every day, no matter how small that action may be. Small actions add up more rapidly than you may realize. Much of the battle of time management, conquering clutter and getting organized is purely a matter of consistency.
You can save any of the files to your computer by simply right clicking on a link and selecting “save as” or “save target.” Mac users use a control click and select “save linked file to downloads” or “save linked file as…”
All PDFs in the lessons require Adobe PDF reader. The videos require the latest version of Quicktime. Both are free downloads.