One Year Bible Reading Plan

I have created a one year bible reading plan that is designed to help you succeed at reading through the entire bible in one year and have a rich experience of the text. It is designed to do so in the following ways:
1) Realistic daily assignments. Most days are three chapters, some times more if the chapters are short or it allows you to read a short book in one setting.
2) Alternating between Old and New Testament. Many people fail if they try to read the bible cover to cover. Parts of the Old Testament are tough to get through if you don’t have a well established discipline of reading. Interspersing New Testament books should keep your attention engaged.
3) Combining similar types of content together. You will notice that the books aren’t covered necessarily in the order they appear in the bible. When I have done so it has been to enhance your read of the text. For example, I placed Revelation after Ezekiel and Daniel because much of the apocalyptic imagery of that book comes from those two Old Testament Prophets.
4) Spreading the Gospels throughout the year.
5) Breaking up the Psalms. There are a 150 chapters to the Psalms. Reading them straight through could become monotonous, so I have broken the book up into large sections of chapters and interspersed them between other Old Testament readings.
6) A printable plan with check boxes so you can track your progress.
Here is the link, PD One Year Bible Plan. You can always access it from the resource area as well.

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