P’s in the Pod–Faith Interview with Allyson Lewis

Here are the P’s in the Pod (principles in the podcast) from my interview with Allyson Lewis a week ago.  This is just a brief summary of the principles that Allyson shared with us. These are only the highlights.  I would encourage you to listen to the interview, if you haven’t already. To me one of the best parts of the interview was an inspiring story about a friend who went skydiving on her 50th birthday. I can’t do it justice here, so when you get a chance listen.

PRINCIPLE #1: Change happens in an instant

Allyson realized this when a good friend was diagnosed with cancer. One phone call and this woman’s life was changed instantly. In that though Allyson was called to change as well because she realized how rapidly our lives can change. Allyson decided that her life needed changes and realized that change happens the moment we decide to change.

PRINCIPLE #2: Big change comes through small repeated changes.
Allyson calls them “micro-actions.” For example, loosing twenty pounds doesn’t happen over night. It happens when you choose in the moment to have a bottle of water instead of a soda, or a salad instead of a fast food meal. Similarly, I am always telling people who want to read the entire Bible, “Don’t worry about completing the Bible, focus on establishing a discipline of daily reading. If you do that you will read the Bible many times.” So what are the micro-actions you could take today that over time would make a big difference in you faith?

PRINCIPLE #3:  Repetition is key to renewal of the mind. Allyson discuss how are brains actually change when we repeat an action.  The process is referred to as neuroplasticity.  The physical structure of your brain is altered when you repeat an action making it easier to accomplish it the next time.  We can through focused repeated attention build new neurons in our brains.  You truly are becoming a new you when you repeatedly make a life giving faithful choices.  I think of Paul’s words to the Romans, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your minds so that you might know the will of God that which is good acceptable and perfect.”  Romans 12:2  I also, think of his words to the Phillippians, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”  That word for dwell means to ruminate on something.  It means to repeatedly presence it in your mind. What science is now catching up and telling us is that this physically changes our mind for the better.  So keep the Word before you and keep taking micro-actions for God.

PRINCIPLE #4:  Do 5 by 11. Allyson urges people to identify, write down and accomplish the 5 most important things you need to do by 11 a.m. every day.  I can attest to the power of this practice.  Months ago, I was frustrated with my seemingly bottomless to-do list that never got to done.  I decided that I would only allow myself 5 items on my list. I unwittingly enter into doing 5 by 11.  It was very freeing and I found myself far more productive.  In terms of living faithfully for God, what are 5 things you should do before 11?  What about prayer time, reading the Bible, an act of service, sharing the good news, mending a broken relationship, or encouraging a brother or sister in Christ. Remember that the most important thing isn’t always a big or demanding thing.  For instance, the most important thing may be simply waking up and starting your day by giving thanks to God for the blessings in your life.  The key is consistency and practicing 5 by 11 can help you with that.

The most important choice we make every day is to yield our lives over to God.  In short, Allyson’s tools are practical ways for us to practice repentance and can help us do that.  Repentance, as Allyson notes in the interview, means to turn around and go in the opposite direction.  It is a 180 degree turn.  I find that many of us know we need to change, but often times lack practical steps to take.  Allyson offers concrete hope for living differently.  Once again, Thank You Allyson.

Visit here website by clicking here or visit her new blog by clicking here.

For those of you who missed it, here it is again,

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