Reducing Distraction

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I noted in my last post that sometimes I miss God’s voice because of distractions. I was reminded of this again yesterday as I completed the ninth lesson in the ‘Time to Change’ mini-course. (If you aren’t aware, the ‘Time to Change’ mini-course is a collection of time management and simplification tips to help restore sanity to life.) The ninth lesson was all about getting rid of what I call ‘irritants.’ Irritants are unfinished tasks. Irritants are all of those pesky to-do list items that never seem to get done.

I have come to realize that every incomplete task is a distraction tugging for my time and attention. If you get enough of these irritants floating around in your life, then you can become incredibly distracted, discouraged, and demoralized. It’s hard to sit with God when you are stressed by lots of incomplete commitments. I am learning to close these unfinished tasks more rapidlly. In the past 30 days or so I have completed 12 from a list of just over twenty tasks. I have to confess that most of the tasks have been lingering in my life for months, actually many over a year. Completing these tasks has been amazingly freeing to me mentally and emotionally.

So for those of you battling distraction I decided to give you the video and resources to this particularly ‘Time to Change’ lesson. If you find it helpful you may want to take the ‘Time to Change’ mini-course. My apologies to those of you who have already signed up and are getting a double dose of this, but if you are like me you may need the repitition to take action and I have found this one so helpful I wanted to make sure everyone got it.

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