Still Listening

In my last post nearly two weeks ago (which I think is the longest I have ever gone without posting) I wrote about getting direction directly from God. It’s not easy. I have had several mornings where I read my daily readings and very actively sought to “hear” what God was calling me to do out of that text only to find myself drawn into stillness with no clear answer. I am starting to realize that this lack of answer and clarity is just fine. Pausing to experience it is important.

I recall someone once saying, “Do in the dark what God told you to do in the light.” So, on those mornings where I read the word and walk away with no clear directive I go to things that seem a bit like standing orders from God, i.e. care for the church, care for my family, work on my blog, etc. Nevertheless, I continue to go back day by day and listen for a word from God. For me it’s sort of a spiritual check-up. It’s a bit like going to the dentist. I go to my dentist regularly whether I have dental problems or not to just make sure some problem hasn’t developed that I am unaware of. The vast majority of the time, my dentist says, “Hey, everything looks great. Continue to do what you are doing and I will see you back in six months.”

My morning listening is a bit like that kind of check-up. Much of the time God doesn’t offer me any clear cut directive; however, when God does it is usually significant. I would miss it though if I didn’t ask and listen.  The bottom line is–if you read my last post and you are trying to hear God and you experience silence frequently, don’t let that discourage you from taking the time to listen.

Also, please note that we go through season’s with God.  Sometimes we have season’s of abundance and at other times there are season of scarcity.  These seasons are normative and not to be distressed over.  Daily listening will give you deep roots that allow you to sustain through periods of spiritual drought.

If you haven’t taken time to listen today, take a few minutes when your done reading this and do so.

Blessings to you from The Practical Disciple

2 thoughts on “Still Listening”

  1. I know what you mean. But during those times when God’s answer isn’t coming across, maybe I am to learn something from the silence. Things like patience, trust, perseverance etc. God’s silence could be there to refine me further as I wait upon the Lord. Isn’t that when faith rises?

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Those times of silence are ripe times of learning. Thank you for commenting.

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