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Lenten Devotional, Day 5, Tracking, part 2, Inductive Study (episode #65)

Inductive study can help you rapidly grow as a disciple. In today’s post I will explain, what inductive bible study is, the benefits, and offer you tools to get started.

This past Saturday rather than sitting outside as I have for my lenten discipline, I decided to go animal tracking. I found a couple of dog tracks and engaged in intense focused observation of them. I likened this focus of time and attention to contemplative prayer in my last post.  I also spoke about how this can create greater understanding and a more intimate relationship with God. If you, missed that post

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Lenten Devotional, Day 4: Tracking, part 1, Contemplation (episode #64)

Today I got out of the box of my routine for nature meditation. For the past four days, I have been giving thanks,  observing for ten to fifteen minutes in my back yard, and then recording observations. For a variety of reasons this wasn’t happening today, so I decided to go find a track and meditate on it.

This experience was a deep dive into intense focused observation. It’s a whole different calibre of meditation and observation than my usual sit and observe practice.  There are two things I can compare it to in my faith journey: contemplative prayer and inductive bible study. I’m only going to cover the first one today. I’ll cover the inductive bible study aspect in

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Lenten Devotional, Day 2 : Buddies (episode #62)

My dog, Bert, likes to hang out with me when I sit outside. He lept up in my lap as I sat down for my very first devotional sit spot time. The moment I finished offering thanks, he lept down. He went and did his own thing, while I observed nature and meditated on my senses. Today, he laid down right in front of me, and also sat at my side as if on vigil watching with me.

I noticed many animals moving together this morning: a pair of robins feeding, a pair of jays working a circuit above me crying out a warning of a neighboring hawk, and pairs of squirrels being squirrelly.

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Lenten Devotional, Day 1: Perishable (episode #61)

An old oak stands half dead along my fence line. I’ve been considering cutting it down for a while. Every storm drops a few more limbs, some as big as small trees. Last year, I resigned myself to cutting off a few low lying, dead limbs. Until one day, I heard the staccato rat-a-tat-tat of a woodpecker ringing out from it’s branches. I held off to provide the woodpeckers a habitat for a season.

Today, I watched a squirrel scramble over that same dead snag and put his head in the woodpecker hole. It’s now obviously empty. I am trying to decide

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Dose of the Ghost – Living in the Spirit for the Common Good, part 9 of 9 [episode 57]

This is part nine in a nine part series on praying to the Holy Spirit. To access the entire series click the link below.



There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:6-7)


The verses upon which we have reflected over the past several days have revealed many benefits that come into the life of a believer with the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have looked at power, love, self-discipline, community, peace, and a whole list of fruits.

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Dose of the Ghost – Replacing Your Thoughts with Spirit Thoughts, part 8 of 9 [episode56]

Call Before You Fall



This is part eight in a nine part series on praying to the Holy Spirit. To access the entire series click the link below.



But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25



In yesterday’s verse we were urged to

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