Deer Stand Spirituality

I know a lot of hunter’s.  Many of them talk about how close they feel to God in the hours they find themselves quietly waiting in the woods.  A friend shared with me yesterday that he has nearly read the entire Bible sitting in his deer stand.  It all started with a little Gideon New Testament that he placed in his back pack.  When he finished the New Testament, he mentioned something to his wife and she bought him a Bible just to put in his hunting bag.  What a wonderful and practical way to get some time in the Word.

To  all you hunters–consider putting a copy of the Bible in your gear bag.  All you friends of hunters–consider giving a hunter a Bible just for that purpose.  Blessings, from The Practical Disciple

2 thoughts on “Deer Stand Spirituality”

  1. There is a lot of opportunities to sneak in a verse or two. I have the Bible on CD. I have listened to Corinthians on my i-pod while working out. You could also listen to the Bible while working around the house, in the garage or driving to work. The opportunity is there, the big question is why do we choose to spend that time with other things?

  2. There are a host of publishers that offer bibles with bindings intended for the active outdoors man/woman. Usually sold as ‘backpackers’ or ‘camping’ bibles, they feature a more rugged cover (some are even bound into lightweight aluminum cases), stiffer binding and sometimes heavier paper. Oddly, they also tend to be thinner and smaller than their ‘normal’ counterparts.

    Might be worth looking into to avoid damage to a beloved home copy.

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