Inductive Bible Study Method

In yesterday’s post, I shared a one man’s experience of reading the New Testament and I recommended that you do you own study work first before leaping to commentaries or other references.  I realized afterward that is all well and good to encourage you to do this, but it doesn’t do much good if you don’t have any idea how to do that or a method to use.  Well, God is good and last night a young man I am mentoring shared with me a very clear well-developed inductive Bible study method.  If you are unfamiliar with inductive Bible study, in short,  it is a process of systematically making observations to draw general conclusions about a passage.

I have used a variety of inductive Bible study methods over the years and find this particular study an extremely clear helpful process to follow.  The method is divided into two PDF files that can access using the links below.

This study method is published by the campus ministry Stumo.  Their purpose is to prepare laborers for Christ from college campuses.  You can learn more about them on their website   You can also find a wide variety of other tools and Bible studies on specific topics or books of the Bible.

My thanks to PD reader Marshall for sharing these links.  The time was very Godly.

Lastly a word to Pastors, Christian Educators, Youth Leaders, Teachers and such–This Bible study method can be a really quick out of the box tool for leading a study with a small group.  Simple pick a passage and as a group work your way through the steps.

1 thought on “Inductive Bible Study Method”

  1. John, i’m sure you are, but are you familiar with the practice Lectio Divina? Our campus ministry has been using it since we were introduced to it at state conference a couple of years ago, and we practice it heavily during Lent (both individually and in a group). Maybe some of your readers would enjoy it as well? Thanks for this post!

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