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Lenten Devotional, Day 14, Midnight Showers, (episode 74)

As I am writing this it’s 12:32 a.m. I was going to write my post in my sit spot on the back porch. I was surprised though to find it raining. I had no idea showers were coming. But, I want to be outside so I am on my front porch now. I wish you could be here to listen with me. Actually, you can if you like, because the above recording was done right here on the porch in this rain.

I’m struck by the fact that a rain storm is simultaneously a single sound and yet many many voices at once. As I listen closely I’m hearing a high pitch pitter

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ACTS Prayer Method, A Simple Key to Greater Breadth and Depth in Prayer [Episode 9]

Do you ever get in a dry spell with God?

You know…those times when you’re praying the same things over and over again? Or you’ve stopped praying altogether.

Or, do you find yourself at a loss for words only minutes into praying? Does your mind wander away?

All too often it takes a crisis to pull someone out the pit of these problem to they can come back to God with undivided attention. That’s a shame because waiting for a crisis is so unnecessary.

You have a better choice. Adopt a prayer model as a tried and true ladder to get you out of the pit. The ACTS prayer model is one of my favorites.

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18 Free Spiritual Discipline Ideas You Can Use for Lent

Lent starts one week from today. Traditionally for churches that observe Lent, it is a time of reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and a time of repentance. Often this season is marked by fasting or giving up something.
Lent has become THE most transformative part of the year for me because starting 7 or 8 years ago, I began adopting a transformative discipline for 40 days. I have done everything from praying for an hour a day to giving up use of my car.
Last year, I released a packet of 18 reproducible handouts of various disciplines that churches are welcome to copy and distribute within their congregation. The disciplines are a mix of study, prayer, and action opportunities. I am

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You Are Invited, Read the Bible in One Year with Me

Okay, so I decided the other day that reading the Bible daily is so important that not only am I going to give you a one year bible reading plan that works, I am going to walk alongside you and give you the support you need to succeed. When I wrote a post recently on six reasons people fail when they try to read the bible in one year I almost included a seventh, ‘Going it alone.’ It really helps to have some kind of support and encouragement. So, I am going to provide it.
I am going to follow the plan I created and release reading tips and insights along

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Prayer Journaling Orientation

Our youth group this past week began a three week journey into prayer journaling.  We are starting with a method that I have used intermittently for over 20 years.  This five minute video outlines the process.  This discipline really enhances my relationship with God.  Specifically, I see God more clearly and I apply scripture more frequently when I journal daily using this method.  My journaling frequently takes as little as five or ten minutes.  I hope you will try it.  May it be a blessing to you from The Practical Disciple.

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10 Signs that You Are Resisting Change

In my last post, Thorns in the Rose Garden of Spiritual Growth, I spoke about how spiritual growth can be painful because significant change is uncomfortable.  This post addresses ten common ways people resist change.  Think of these things as yield signs warning you to proceed with caution.

1. Constantly changing mentors, churches, Sunday school classes, etc., because you can’t find the perfect one. The only constant in that equation is typically you.  When you are stuck and really don’t want to change then you will just keep jumping to new people.  You are hoping to find people who will validate

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